Alan Cumming as Freud in V13


V13” a Film by Richard C. Ledes

In forgetting there lurks a remembering

Director’s Statement

I wrote the screenplay for my film V13 based on the play Vienne 1913 by the late renowned French Lacanian psychoanalyst Alain Didier-Weill. He spent his life researching and reflecting on the rise of the Nazi Weltanschaung . The roots of his interest no doubt go back to the experiences of his own Jewish family during the Occupation of France. he ALSO felt it was important for ALL OF humanity to examine this poisonous ideology—just as Freud had felt psychoanalysis was important for all of humanity. ALAIN saw that the scapegoating of Jews and other vulnerable minorities to consolidate the power of extreme forms of ethnic nationalism and religious fundamentalism was increasing again and was not just a phenomenon of the past. For This Reason, I chose to TAKE THE Bronx Today for Vienna before WW1—with an assist from the other bOroughs of New York City.

Richard C. Ledes


Vienna 1913, while Europe is on the brink of WW1, two young men from different backgrounds, Hugo and Adolf, become friends. One, A Musician FROM A PRIVILEGED BACKGROUND, Chooses to undergo psychoanalysis with Sigmund Freud, while the other, a struggling artist obsessed with vegetarianism, TAKES UP THE CAUSE OF German nationalism.


Samuel H. Levine

Liam Aiken

India Ennenga

Carl Jung
Andrew Stewart-Jones

Ronald Guttman


Ida Buono


Alan Cumming
